Fly Repellent

Fly & Insect Control is used on horses or dogs to protect them from annoying flies, ticks and biting insects. Fly repellent can come in a variety of application types such as fly sprays, fly repellent ointment, fly repellent wipes , roll on fly repellent or fly repellent gels. Many top fly repellent ointments like Swat, Flys Off Fly repellent or War Paint contain natural ingredients which can be applied as a dressing to scratches and abrasions to keep bothersome insects from irritating the wound. Horse fly repellent wipes and roll on fly repellent are an easy way to apply fly repellent to sensitive areas such as the face and ears. Horse fly repellent bands can be worn by the horse around the neck and legs and fly repellent collars can be worn by dogs to protect them from flies and insects.

Top brands of pet safe fly control products for horses or dogs like Fly Armor, Farnam or Durvet. They are available at everyday low prices and come with the HorseLoverZ 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

We also carry equine fly sprays and horse fly masks. Both of these pet safe fly control products will keep your equine friend fly free during the hot summer months. Horse dewormers can also help with worm and fly control.

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Fly & Insect Control is used on horses or dogs to protect them from annoying flies, ticks and biting insects. Fly repellent can come in a variety of application types such as fly sprays, fly repellent ointment, fly repellent wipes , roll on fly repellent or fly repellent gels. Many top fly repellent ointments like Swat, Flys Off Fly repellent or War Paint contain natural ingredients which can be applied as a dressing to scratches and abrasions to keep bothersome insects from irritating the wound. Horse fly repellent wipes and roll on fly repellent are an easy way to apply fly repellent to sensitive areas such as the face and ears. Horse fly repellent bands can be worn by the horse around the neck and legs and fly repellent collars can be worn by dogs to protect them from flies and insects.

Top brands of pet safe fly control products for horses or dogs like Fly Armor, Farnam or Durvet. They are available at everyday low prices and come with the HorseLoverZ 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

We also carry equine fly sprays and horse fly masks. Both of these pet safe fly control products will keep your equine friend fly free during the hot summer months. Horse dewormers can also help with worm and fly control.

Horse fly repellant should be a staple in every stable. Not only can common house flies be annoying, but biting flies like deer flies and the aptly named horse fly will not only bite horses, but they will also bite humans too. Plus, bot flies out in the pasture, can lay eggs on horses and cause problems with burrowing larvae. To combat all of these flies, horse fly repellant is a necessity.

What is Horse Fly Repellant?

The formulas used in fly repellent for horses has changed greatly over the centuries. Before chemical compositions, completely natural means to repel flies were employed, and all of those methods attempted to disguise the scent of a horse from a fly.

Flies have a very good sense of smell, which is why they can zero in on horses and particularly, horse droppings. Where there are horses there is food, and water is supplied by the horses tear ducts. So in centuries past, natural essential oils like peppermint, cedar and even flowers were rubbed on horses to disguise them and fool flies. Of course, if you were a peasant, a farmer or someone else that wasn't wealthy or of nobility, you wouldn't be able to afford the luxury of scented oils, so you had to live with flies as an everyday part of life.

By the 20th century, chemicals began replacing essential oils as fly repellents, and by the 1960's, DDT and a substance called DEET was in common use. DDT was sprayed around the stable and DEET was sprayed on the horse. This double whammy was one of the most effective tandems of fly repellent, but severe environmental problems began to crop up from the over use of these chemicals, and DDT was banned.

Modern Fly Repellent for Horses

The best modern repellents are generally a combination of essential oils and a naturally derived fly killer from the chrysanthemum flower family called pyrethrum. These are all USDA approved and highly effective at repelling flies on horses and both in and around stable areas. These formulas are non toxic to humans and other animals, and they will effectively manage fly populations.

The Best Selection and the Best Price

Horse repellents are a horses best friend, and for the best selection from makers such as FarnamAbsorbineStarbarDurvetPyranha and Officinalis, with the most affordable prices around, visit From sprays to roll-ons, lotions and spot-on fly repellents, you can choose from all natural essential oils or get the latest pyrethrum-based performers that are extremely effective for single horses, herds or fly control around stables. is your go-to place for horse fly repellent every time.